What to Serve With Jamaican Beef Patties (9 Side Dishes)

Jamaican beef patty is a prominent dish in Jamaica and the entire Caribbean area. It’s a tart with ground beef stuffing and seasonings.

You will like munching a new treat when there is a lateral dish to relish, along with the patties. Moreover, you can obtain other variants, including veggies, chicken, pork, lamb, and seafood. If you want to know what to serve with Jamaican beef patties, this article is for you.

Fact is, something crunchy, delicate, candy, or soft can render your patties even tastier. Some side dishes you could have with Jamaican beef patties are green salad, spicy porridge, dips and sauces, corn cob, coleslaw, and French fries.

Let’s go deeper, shall we?

What to Serve With Jamaican Beef Patties

1. Green Salad with Balsamic Vinegar

A green salad works absolutely well with any dish, so you can take it with Jamaican beef patties. You will admire the green salad and balsamic vinegar combination if you crave a lighter salad.

To make your green salad, as the name indicates, you will require your cherry tomatoes, onions, lettuce, and an acidic mixture like balsamic vinegar or lime juice combined with a little sugar to offset the taste.

The seasoning that the green salad delivers can render your meal taste a lot more harmonious, and you will also be able to consume more beef salad without being too fatty.

2. Spicy Porridge Wedge

Bestowing your patties a spinful flavor by spraying pungent seasonings over them before you toast them will be a nice idea to have a delicious and filling side dish.

Another advantage that this side dish presents is that it renders your meal more healthy, and there’s nothing extra other than equalizing tasty and healthful in a dish.

3. Dips and Sauces

Like salads, dips and sauces are side dishes that you can join together with Jamaican beef patties any time and bring out a beautiful combination.

Because there are numerous alternatives and dips and sauces always improve the zest of any dish. Whether you crave cheesy, creamy, spicy, confectionary, or sour, you can create something shortly using a variety of items.

You can also get ready-made dips and sauces if you need time to prepare them at home.

Tomato sauce, spicy peanut dip, cheese dip, queso dip, hot flavoring dip, Thai sweet chili flavoring, mango tug sauce, and jerk marinade are some dips and seasonings that you can pair with Jamaican beef patty.

4. Corn on the Cob

Ever attempted this with the Jamaican beef patties? If not, you should try it.

You can also prepare the dish rapidly with just a few components. Corn on the cob is also loaded with vitamins and minerals and comprises no moist fat.

Sweet corn is the best option for preparing this dish, but you can also utilize other variations if it’s not accessible.

You can simmer, grill, roast, or microwave the corn.

Once ready, drizzle a small amount of salt and brush on some butter, then you can eat. You can peel off the husk before simmering or not. It is all according to choice.

5. Coleslaw

It’s another veggie alternative to couple with Jamaican beef patties. Because coleslaw can level very well with the patties, and it’s tasty.

It’s also simple to prepare the salad as you don’t require many complex elements.

You would require sliced cabbage, carrots, celery, and some mayonnaise. But you can also incorporate some more veggies if you wish.

You can obtain the ready-made kind from the shops but survey the components list. You can also create the salad right in your house.

Through that means, you can also go simply on the mayonnaise and salt.

Preparing fresh coleslaw can be a healthier option than a ready-made one.

6. French Fries

French fries are a modest but delicious side dish to incorporate with your Jamaican beef patties. They are portions of potatoes that are deep-fried until yellow and crispy.

French fries can be sprinkled with some kind of powdered spice to give them additional savor.

This combination is an outstanding pleasure meal if you want to enhance your mood and assuage your hunger.

7. Patty and Bun and Cheese

The seasoned candy bun with cheese is another prominent snack with the locals.

You might feel that it is an odd assortment but leave it to audacious Jamaicans to mix these pairs together.

The delicious patty and the sweet bun are wonderfully equalized by the intense flavor of cheddar cheese.

8. Soup

It may come off as strange, but soup can be a side dish with Jamaican beef pattie. For the fact that soup appears in many variations, it can mix with crispy patties.

Just think about biting on the crunchy patties and consuming a spoonful of soup, and it’s so delightful. Soup and the patties jointly can also bring about a whole meal and assuage your longing.

With the correct elements, it can be a truly healthful dish too.

You can either prepare veg or non-veg soup according to your intention. Vegetable and broth-based soups are the most robust alternatives, so you can select those.

Create your own at home, and do not utilize instant or canned variations as they include volumes of sodium and additives.

9. Fried Vegetables

Yes, you can put roasted veggies to the roster of side dishes that you can take with Jamaican beef patties. Because there are a plethora of veggies that you can prefer to roast.

They also combine with the patties and are simple to make. Besides, they’re one of the nicest things to simmer.

You can prepare the roasted vegetables with beets, carrots, potatoes, and sweet potatoes.

Slice all in a similar amount and thickness so that all can cook simultaneously. Put just salt, lightly cover it with oil, and broil it at a heat of about 400-450⁰F.

Use a ridged cookie sheet and a foil on its top so that the liquids don’t submerge and make it less chaotic.

It may use for 45 minutes but maintain your watch on it and take the tray or pan outside when the veggies change to a golden brown.

Related Questions

What cheese goes with Jamaican beef patties?

Cheddar cheese is a good side dish for Jamaican beef patties!

How do you add cheese to a Jamaican beef patty?

Rub a beaten egg or milk around the rims of the circle, then put your beef into the middle of the dough, accompanied by 1 slice of cheese slashed into two. Then crease over to the overside, hold in place with a fork, and then develop 3 holes in the middle of the patty. This will aid it in simmering inside.

How do you put cheese in a Jamaican beef patty?

Carry a dough disc and position it on the task surface. Plop 1/4 cup of filling onto the center of the disc. Utilize a fork to rub it and flatten it a bit. Moisten some cheese on top of the stuffing.

Are Jamaican patties empanadas?

These Jamaican Beef Patties are identical to baked empanadas but are elegantly Jamaican in flavor.

Do you fry Jamaican patties?

Yes. You can choose to have them fried or baked.


There might even be no need to think of what to serve with Jamaican beef patties because this dish is so delightful and satisfying on its own.

Nonetheless, if you still wish to pair it with something else, you can select one or more, according to your own liking, from my little list above.

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